At St. Paul’s children’s day was celebrated with great pomp and gaiety. It was a fun and frolic filled day for children. The celebrations began with a Drawing competition for Grade 1-4 between 9.30 am and 10.30 am.
Grade 5 to 7 had an essay competition. The topic was ‘If Bangalore was covered with snow, what would be its effect on children’.
The tiny tots of pre-kg, prep. I and II as well as students of primary and middle school were taken into the world of magic where they got to see cards change colors, coins appear and disappear and flowers appear out of the blue.
All of the above events were possible thanks to ‘Snow City’ who took the initiative to entertain the children.
For Grades 8 to 12 there was an exclusive entertainment programme by the Teachers. The programme began with an invocation song by Ms.Divya on Lord Ganesha. In her childrens Day speech Mrs. Geethamani, besides wishing children a very happy children’s day spoke about the importance of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Children’s day is not just a day to let the future generation have its say. It is a day to remember a leader who in his quiet but determined way, laid the foundation to convert a nascent nation into a world power. Children to Nehruji were little adults in the making. Nehruji to children was always Chacha Nehru.
The fashion show representing different cultures and states of India was the show stopper of the day. The applause kept going as the teachers gracefully moved about in traditional costumes.
The English department put up a humorous skit on “Uncle Podger hangs a picture” which tickled the funny bone of the audience. The message conveyed was that” A little knowledge is a dangerours thing! And what a man with expertise accomplished smoothly, a man with little knowledge spoils the work and creates problems for himself and others.
The competitive spirit between teachers and students came to light through the “Antakshari” programme which had a nail biting finish.
The programme ended with an address to the students by our Principal Ms Susan Roy. Through her emotionally appealing story about a miracle which happened to a boy suffering from tumour, she emphasized to the students the importance of showing sensitivity towards others, love and affection towards siblings and friends dedication and commitment to serve fellow beings and society.
The programme concluded with Yoshitha and Preetham the senior students of Grade – 12 expressing their gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful show put by their teachers.