Presidency School

Independence Day

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71st Independence Day Celebrations

 St Paul’s English School celebrated India’s 71th Independence Day with great patriotism and colourful pageantry undeterred by grey rainy clouds. The morning’s events were ably compered by Vedant and Deeksha of Grade 8.  Principal Ms Susan Roy, Vice Principal Ms. Deepa Gopal and Head of Kindergarten Ms. Mildred D’Souza officiated at the Guard of Honour Ceremony. After this they along with Senior Staff members hoisted the National Tricolour and paid their obeisance on the momentous occasion. The National Anthem was then sung by all present as a mark of respect. Students were led by the school leaders as they took the oath to uphold the moral values and promised to be responsible citizens of India.

The lighting of the lamp by Principal and senior staff ushered in a solemn yet celebratory tone to the programmes to follow. Simran of Grade 8 welcomed the august gathering. Ms. Sudipta soulfully rendered the song “Mile Sur Mera Tumhara” set in ‘Raag Desh’ and the auditorium was redolent with the perfume of national pride and love for the motherland.  As the school choir then started singing the lilting yet soothing “Vande Mataram” — many of those gathered joined them in song and were left moved to tears.

Sneha Upadhyay and Agnishwar Chaudhary of Grade 8 took the audience down the lanes of history as they chronicled India’s freedom struggle and her birth as a free entity on 15th August  1947. This was followed by an energetic, well synchronized dance performance by students of Grade 9 to the song “Desh Rangeela Rangeela, Desh Mera Rangeela”.

Principal Susan Roy Ma’am addressed the gathering. She encouraged all those present to think about what the “Spirit of being Indian” meant to them in the current scenario. She pointed out that one of the challenges we faced was to preserve our identity as a nation of people whose 5000 year plus history was underlined by syncretism. The divisive forces of communalism are at our doorstep and we must never welcome such forces as guests for they threaten the idea of a multiculturally secular India, narrating an incident from Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s life which demonstrates his kindheartedness and compassion for the suffering of the downtrodden she said Indians need to remember that his Indian National Army had forced the British to free India from their colonial rule.

Ma’am reminded us all to practice thankfulness and express gratitude for all the kindnesses rendered to us by others quoting Late Dr. Abdul kalam. She enlightened students on the point that the Indian pledge was the only one in the world that laid down the virtue of respect for one’s parents, teachers and elders..

The day’s programme ended with song “Waving Flag” by the newly appointed School Choir. It talked about how Sports helped to win freedom from racial prejudice and equality for all humans.