Presidency School

Independence Day

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St Paul’s English school, J P Nagar celebrated Independence Day with unprecedented patriotic fervor on August 15th 2018, undeterred by grey rainy clouds. The celebration started with the Guest of Honour Retired Colonel Doctor Mukul Saxena, an eminent war veteran hoisting the National flag. The National anthem was sung by all as a mark of respect. Head boy Shashank led by the other cabinet members took the oath to uphold the moral values and promised to be responsible citizens of India.

The lighting of the lamp by the Chief Guest, Principal Ms Susan Roy, Vice Principal Ms. Deepa Gopal and Head of Kindergarten Ms Mildred D’ Souza ushered in a solemn yet celebrating tone to the programmes to follow.

Vaishnavi G of Grade 9 welcomed the august gathering. Sanjani of Grade 11 performed the invocation dance, a Bharathnatyam Solo to a Ganesha Vandana.

Students of Grade 6, 7 and 8 took the audience down the lanes of history as they chronicled the episode of Mangal Pandey, whose selfless attitude and thirst for the greater good made him the first martyr in the Independence struggle Movement.

Students of Grade 1 and 2 and the school choir rendered patriotic songs which filled the auditorium with national pride and love for the motherland. Many in the audience joined them in the songs and were left moved to tears. Similarly the patriotic dances by both the primary and high school students showcasing their patriotism to Mother India was a feast to the eye.

Principal Ms Susan Roy addressed the gathering. She emphasized on ‘Inclusion’ which she believed was the essence of Democracy. ‘Inclusion’ is to give equal opportunities to both the strong and the weak. For this one needs to posses qualities like being selfless, tolerant, and courteous and have clear reasoning and logical thinking. Ma’am profusely thanked Doctor Mukul Saxena for gracing the occasion with his esteemed presence and stated to the students that, it was indeed a matter of pride for each one of us to be an Indian.

The Chief Guest in his speech shared his experience in the Siachen border and in the 1965 war against Pakistan. He told the students how the soldiers in the army do not consider the flag as a piece of paper or cloth but ‘live and die’ for it. Similarly students should not fail to do their duties to their Parents, Teachers and the Nation. He instilled the spirit of Patriotism by asking the audience to repeat the slogans ‘Jai Hind’ and ‘Vande Mataram’.

The vote of Thanks was proposed by Saanvi Ashok of Grade 5 and the entire program was compeered by Amogh and Ananya of Grade 9.

The highlight of the Independence Day Programme was the Felicitation Ceremony wherein the achievers for the year 2017 were felicitated for their determination and hard work.