Presidency School

Independence Day

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The programme began with the ceremonial guard of honour by the newly elected cabinet members. One could witness the feelings of pride in the young cabinet leaders as they marched with their heads held high carrying the Nation’s Flag and escorting our Principal, Vice Principal and Kannada Head of the Department towards the podium to unfurl the National Flag.

The school pledge was delivered by Taysir and the welcome address by Saanvi. Ashrutha Anand delighted the audience with a dance performance through which she expressed her love and patriotism to Mother India. The significance of Independence Day was shared by Laya Karthik which was indeed informative and enlightening. This was followed by a graceful and mesmerising group dance by our Paulites again showcasing what freedom was all about.

The school choir put up a brilliant performance with their rendition of patriotic songs especially the song Desh which invoked in the listeners the spirit of unity and oneness.

Principal Susan Roy Thomas in her address to the audience applauded and thanked each and every member of the teaching fraternity, admin staff, support staff for tirelessly working to make every function a grand success .She shared the story of Captain Vikram Bhatia a soldier who had served India till his last breath in the Kargil war. Her message to each and every one was the importance of practicing EMPATHY. This quality could change lives and motivate both young and the old to serve the country selflessly.
The programme concluded with the cultural captain Darshan delivering the vote of thanks.
The celebration brought the thought in everyone’s mind that we should never give up our freedom, our rights and responsibilities as the citizens of this rich country.