St. Paul’s English School, J.P. Nagar held its Investiture Ceremony on 15th July 2017 and heralded a new era of leadership. “Envision” was the theme that underlined this year’s ceremony.
Mr. Pavan. R.C – a reputed motivational speaker, entrepreneur and kinesthetic educationist was the Chief Guest for this momentous milestone. He has established the “Achieve School of Education” – one of India’s studio schools.
A soothing rendition of the song “ Meri Rooh Khuda” by the School choir helped to invoke the blessings of the Almighty.
Amrutha George welcomed the gathering and all the dignitaries present.
The much awaited Investiture Ceremony saw the newly elected 42 Cabinet members having their badges pinned on by the Principal Mrs Susan Roy and Chief Guest Mr. Pavan.
Principal Mrs Susan Roy then administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected Cabinet members.
The audience was given insights into the electoral process. During the election week, all the nominees campaigned for the respective posts with their logos and tag lines in the forefront.
The students from grade 6 to 10 voted for their captains in a formal manner on July 7th, just as India votes for her leaders. After voting, they got their index finger inked.
The Principal addressed the cabinet and the audience with an electrifying speech. She exhorted the student leaders to remember that their conduct must at all times demonstrate the bywords— ‘personal integrity’, ‘leading by example’ and ‘walking the talk’. She shared two anecdotal stories about the “Father of our Nation” -Mahatma Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln.
She pointed out that these towering statesmen had always demonstrated that, integrity is about, making a choice between what is convenient and what is right.
The School choir sang the ditty “One World, One Vision” and enthralled the audience with the foot tapping beats of the song. The Chief Guest awarded books as prizes to students who had achieved scholastic excellence in the academic year 2016-2017.
The Chief Guest Mr. Pavan. R.C and the Principal then felicitated Grade 1 to Grade 5 students who had performed exceptionally well at the Science Olympiad Foundation Examinations conducted in the academic year 2016-2017.
The Chief Guest Mr. Pavan. R.C lauded the Principal for providing a conducive learning environment and praised the teachers for their tireless teaching efforts and kindness towards their students. He advised the parents to focus on skill development of the children in line with their areas of interest instead of forcing the children to take up ‘safe’ and ‘established’ career options like medicine and engineering only. He pointed out the need of every one of us to dream and then translate those dreams into reality instead of letting the opinions and remarks of others kill our dreams. He ended his talk with the couplet “Give me an apple; I can show you the number of seeds in it, Give me a seed; I can never show you the number of apples in it.” This left the audience mulling over his words.
Sucheth Hegde of Grade 11 proposed the Vote of Thanks.
The function concluded with the National Anthem and with the newly elected cabinet members signing in the Investiture Pledge Ledger and formally accepting their responsibilities.