Presidency School


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‘The Leader in Me’ – INVESTITURE

                                                                                                                                                                   DATE:  02.07.2016

 St. Paul’s English School held their Investiture on July 2nd, 2016. The theme was “The Leader in Me”

The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr.Nagaraj, Vice President of World Culture and Chairman of the “Mr.Ranga Narayana Iyer Academy”.

Mr. Krishnaprasad invoked the blessings of the almighty with the rendition of a Ganesha Mantra and Divya Govindan of Grade 10 welcomed the gathering..

This was followed by the Investiture Ceremony, wherein the newly elected leaders were sworn in as Cabinet members in a formal badge pinning ceremony. Principal Ms.Susan Roy administered the oath to the Cabinet.

This was followed by an address by Mr.Giri Balasubramanian, CEO of Grey Caps. In his address to the gathering he emphasized on two major pre-requisites that a good leader should possess: Humility and the Willingness to shoulder responsibility.

Principal Ms.Susan Roy in her motivating address enlightened the audience about the electoral procedure followed.

Grade 9 contestants sent their nomination papers through e-mail to the Principal highlighting their logo, symbol, tag line and motto.Elections were held on 17thJune and the voters were students from Grade 5 to 10.After the voting there was an oral round of interview for the cabinet nominees.The first round of interview was by students of Grade 10 and 12 and the 2nd round of interview was by a panel of Teachers.The third round was a group discussion by Principal Ms.Susan Roy. Cabinet nominees were asked to watch motivational videos and were given an opportunity to exhibit their leadership skills.

She also emphasized on three valuable qualities a good leader should have in her address, through anecdotes namely being caring, inspiring and believing in oneself.

The chief guest Dr.Nagaraj in his address to the students congratulated the newly elected cabinet members, and whole heartedly appreciated the electoral procedure the school followed. Through his speech he advocated the values of enthusiasm, commitment, humility, responsibility, self esteem, life skills and time management that each leader should have.

Another major attraction of the event was the rendition of melodious songs by the school choir.

Sagar Krishnan proposed the vote of thanks and the function concluded with the newly elected cabinet members signing in the Investiture pledge ledger formally accepting their responsibilities. This was followed by the school anthem.