Presidency School

Republic Day – 2015

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66th Republic Day on 26th January 2015

St. Paul’s English School celebrated India’s 66th Republic Day on 26th January 2015. The national tri-colour flag was hoisted by our principal Ms. Susan Roy. This was followed by a cultural programme.

The programme started with the melodious rendition of our invocation song, sung by the choir of St. Paul’s English School. This was followed by a Kathak dance performed by students of IX B who matched their steps to the spectacular rhythm of the ‘tabla’.

The ‘veena’ recital of the song ‘Vaishnava Janato’ by Jyotsna of IX D, mesmerized the audience.

However the attraction of the Republic Day celebration was the hindi drama, ‘Dandi March’ which brought out the significance of the salt tax agitation by Mahatma Gandhi.

Prizes were given to outstanding achievers of the ASSET exams in English Maths and Science.

In her address to the gathering Principal Ms. Susan Roy reflected on 5 important principles of life that one needs to follow-

  • One should move on and not waste time feeling sorry for one self.
  • Embrace change and welcome challenges.
  • Stay happy and don’t waste time on things one cannot control.
  • Be kind, fair and unafraid. Always speak up.
  • Celebrate the success of other people.
  • The cultural programme ended with the school anthem.